One of the most prevalent malignancies in males globally is prostate cancer, for which early identification is essential to successful treatment. India is now an attractive option for people looking for efficient prostate cancer treatment because of the country’s recent significant advancements in the field of cancer care. Here, we’ll discuss the five telltale indicators of prostate cancer in this blog post and talk about Indian treatment options.


Let us look at some early indicators of prostate cancer before discussing the Indian medical options available:

1- Urinary Changes: Modifications in urination patterns are among the first indicators of prostate cancer. Men may have trouble starting and stopping their urine, have a weak stream, or feel the need to urinate a lot, especially at night. These symptoms may be indicative of prostate cancer, although they can also be caused by an enlarged prostate or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

2- Blood in Urine or Semen: This can be a worrying sign if blood is seen in the urine or semen. Prostate cancer may occasionally be indicated by hematuria (blood in the urine) or hematospermia (blood in the semen). These symptoms should not be disregarded even if they are not specific to prostate cancer and can also be brought on by other illnesses.

3- Erectile Dysfunction: Because prostate malignant cells can damage the blood arteries and nerves that support an erection, erectile dysfunction can also result from prostate cancer. It’s crucial to remember that erectile dysfunction is a prevalent problem with a variety of causes, but in certain instances, prostate cancer may be involved.

4- Pain and Discomfort: Men who have prostate cancer may feel pain in their hips, pelvis, or lower back. When the cancer has progressed outside of the prostate gland, this can happen. The discomfort could last for a long time and get worse. Seeking medical advice from an expert is imperative in cases of this kind of suffering.

5- Unexplained Weight Loss: An advanced stage of prostate cancer may be indicated by sudden and inexplicable weight loss. Cancer cells have the ability to proliferate and disseminate, which can cause appetite loss and unintentional weight loss. Even though there are many reasons for weight loss, it’s essential to take it seriously as a possible warning indicator, mainly if there are additional symptoms of prostate cancer.


After talking about the early indicators of prostate cancer, let’s examine the Indian therapy choices available in Delhi, India:-

Prostate cancer treatment in Delhi, India, with its top-notch facilities, knowledgeable medical staff, and affordable treatment options, has become a well-known destination for cancer treatment. The nation is home to several prominent cancer treatment facilities with state-of-the-art equipment and professional staff. Hence, some of the treatments discussed below include:

Read More: Immunotherapy For Cancer Treatment In Delhi


In summary, men’s health is greatly affected by prostate cancer, but the best chance of recovery is achieved with early identification and access to high-quality treatment choices. Identifying the early indicators of prostate cancer is the first step toward obtaining prompt medical care. For those in need of prostate cancer treatment, India has exceptional options because of its top-notch medical infrastructure and experience. Remember that getting the correct diagnosis and treatment plan from a medical professional is essential, and starting therapy earlier can have a significant impact on your recovery.

So, if you’re worried about your health and have prostate cancer and want to speak with the top cancer doctors, then you should consult Oncoplus, which offers the most significant cancer treatment in India. We are the first-ever dedicated cancer care unit that complies with global standards. Our service offering is structured to provide a comprehensive platform for diagnosis and treatment. To develop a vision of an India free of cancer and cognizant of the disease, we are collaborating with Indian social security plans. Let’s fight cancer together and live a fulfilling life.

Thousands of new cases of prostate cancer are detected each year, making it one of the most prevalent malignancies among males. While there are many therapeutic alternatives, proton therapy is one cutting-edge and promising strategy that has drawn much attention recently. Patients with prostate cancer can benefit from proton therapy in various ways, from precise tumour targeting to fewer side effects. We will discuss the benefits of proton therapy as a prostate cancer treatment option in this blog.


Knowledge about Proton Therapy:

Proton therapy, a type of radiation therapy, utilizes positively charged particles known as protons to treat cancer. Proton treatment offers superior control over the depth and intensity of radiation delivered to the tumor compared to conventional photon radiation therapy, which utilizes X-rays. This precision becomes particularly valuable in the treatment of prostate cancer because the prostate gland, located deep within the pelvis and surrounded by vital tissues such as the bladder and rectum, benefits greatly from it.

Benefits of Proton Therapy for Prostate Cancer:

One of its main advantages is the excellent targeting precision of proton treatment for prostate cancer. Protons primarily focus their energy towards the tumour before stopping, causing the least amount of harm to the surrounding healthy tissues. With this level of precision, there is a lower possibility of collateral organ damage, which means that patients will experience fewer side effects and difficulties.

Proton treatment dramatically minimises radiation exposure to healthy tissues when compared to traditional radiation therapy. The danger of side effects such as urinary incontinence and gastrointestinal issues, which are frequent worries for radiotherapy patients with prostate cancer, is decreased due to the decrease in collateral damage.

Maintaining a high quality of life during and after prostate cancer therapy is essential. The potential of proton treatment to protect healthy tissues translates into better patient outcomes and a higher standard of living in general. Many patients who opt for proton therapy report fewer treatment-related side effects, making it easier for them to continue with their regular daily activities.

Patients with complicated prostate cancer situations should choose proton therapy. People who need further treatment after radiation therapy or surgery may find it to be especially helpful. It is an advantageous option for these people due to its accuracy and negligible effect on healthy tissues.

The potential danger of getting secondary malignancies from radiation exposure is one issue with conventional radiation therapy. Proton therapy lowers this danger and gives prostate cancer patients greater assurance about their long-term health because of its capacity to prevent radiation exposure to adjacent tissues.

Proton therapy often offers shorter treatment durations than certain other radiation therapy approaches. Shorter treatment intervals might boost patient convenience and reduce the overall burden on their daily lives, albeit the precise duration may vary depending on the particular instance.

When compared to conventional radiation therapy techniques, studies have demonstrated that proton therapy can produce results for patients with prostate cancer that are equivalent to or even superior in terms of cancer control. The ability to precisely target the tumour while minimising side effects can increase the likelihood of sustained cancer remission and improve treatment outcomes.

Patients get a short recovery period as a result of proton therapy’s mild approach to cancer treatment. Many people can resume their normal activities soon after their treatment is over, without the requirement for protracted periods of rest or recovery.


In conclusion, men’s health is seriously affected by prostate cancer, but new treatment choices and medical technology have raised hopes. As a cutting-edge and extremely effective method of treating prostate cancer, proton therapy stands out for its many advantages, including precision tumour targeting, fewer side effects, and higher patient quality of life. Proton therapy is a useful addition to the range of therapeutic choices available to men with prostate cancer, even though it may not be appropriate in all circumstances. The best treatment strategy that is suited to each patient’s needs must be determined through consultation with a medical professional or radiation oncologist.

The involvement of proton therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer is projected to increase with the development of science and technology, allowing more patients the chance for successful outcomes and higher quality of life during and after treatment.So, discover the future of prostate cancer treatment with Oncoplus! Our cutting-edge radiation therapy for prostate cancer ensures precision and minimal side effects. Choose confidence, choose Oncoplus, as our specialized team and state-of-the-art technology make us a leader in radiation therapy for prostate cancer. Don’t compromise on your prostate cancer treatment. Trust Oncoplus for world-class radiation therapy that puts your comfort and recovery first.

How does your diet influence cancer disease?

As we all know, cancer is the leading cause of death. But very few people know that a healthy diet can prevent all types of cancer. A nutritious diet can reduce the risk of developing cancer. There are some foods that contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that may raise or lower cancer risk. Some people who have unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fast food, etc. are more at risk of having cancer. Normally, people who eat a low-fiber and high-fat diet increase their risk of developing cancer. All types of cancer treatment are available at the Oncoplus hospital in Delhi. In this blog, you will learn about the dietary habits that influence cancer disease.

Foods Influencing Cancer Disease:
1. Sugar and refined carbohydrates:

Consuming refined carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels and increases the risk of developing prostate cancer. So, instead of consuming sugary soft drinks, white bread, pasta, sweetened cereals, and processed foods such as pizza, etc., the person should consume unrefined whole grains such as brown rice, barley, whole wheat or multigrain bread, oatmeal, and non-starchy vegetables, etc. This will lower the risk of prostate cancer and help you maintain your health.

  1. Fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables have numerous health benefits because they contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer in the mouth and stomach. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage contain an antioxidant, i.e., sulforaphane, that reduces the tumor size by more than 50%, and vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots decrease the risk of prostate and lung cancer.

  1. Processed Meat:

Processed meat is the kind of meat that has been salted, cured, or smoked in order to preserve its flavor. The meat includes salami, chorizo, ham, bacon, and hot dogs. According to a thorough analysis of the data, those who consume a lot of processed meat have a 20–50% higher chance of developing colorectal cancer than those who consume little to no processed meat at all. Additionally, some studies show that eating red meat also increases the risk of developing cancer.

  1. Fiber Food:

Fiber-rich foods move very quickly through the digestive system and lead to easy digestion. This food has been linked to a lower risk of cancer. The foods that contain fiber include whole grains such as barley, oats, spelt, bulgur, and corn. The pulses, such as beans, split peas, and lentils, are rich in fiber.

  1. Alcohol:

If the person consumes alcohol, then it will increase the risk of cancers of the mouth, liver, oesophagus, breast, bowel, pharynx, and larynx. Consuming alcohol at a high level will increase the risk of cancer. Men should consume two drinks per day, and women should consume one drink per day. For smokers, the danger of cancer is significantly higher.

The foods that prevent cancer

The foods that help fight cancer are flaxseeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, beans, legumes, nuts, olive oil, garlic, fish, dairy products, and plant-based diets.

The foods that increase cancer risk are:

The foods that increase the risk of cancer are low-fiber and high-energy. Artificial sweeteners, cured, pickled, or salted foods, burnt or barbecued foods, peanuts, and alcohol are all examples.

Obesity Is Associated With Cancer:

If you eat more calories than your body requires, then it will result in weight gain. People become obese when they consume foods with added sugar and fat. Sugary drinks, full-fat dairy products, and high-fat meats are all high-calorie foods that contribute to obesity. Obesity causes higher cancer risks.

According to the studies, healthy dietary habits provide protection against cancer, such as a diet high in whole foods and lean protein, which prevents cancer. A diet consisting of processed meats, refined carbs, salt, and alcohol increases the risk of cancer. Hence, people suffering from cancer must follow a healthy and balanced diet to improve their quality of life.




Androgen suppression therapy is also known as hormone therapy with the goal to reduce the number of male hormones in the body, known as androgens, or to prevent them from boosting prostate cancer cells.

Androgens promote the growth of prostate cancer cells. The two most important androgens in the human body are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The testicles produce the majority of androgens, but the adrenal glands (glands located above the kidneys) and prostate cancer can also produce a significant amount.

Lowering androgen levels or preventing them from entering prostate cancer cells causes prostate cancers to shrink or grow more slowly for a period of time. Prostate cancer cannot be cured by hormone therapy.

When should hormone therapy be used?

Hormone therapy can be used to treat the following conditions:

Types of Hormone Therapy Treatment

Prostate cancer can be treated with a variety of hormone therapies:

Lowering testicular androgen levels through treatment

Androgen deprivation therapy involves the use of surgery or medications to reduce the levels of androgens produced in the testicles.


Orchiectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the (surgical castration) testicles, which produce the majority of androgens (such as testosterone and DHT). Most prostate cancers stop growing or shrink as a result of this.

LHRH agonists

LHRH agonists (also known as LHRH analogues or GnRH agonists) are medications that reduce the amount of testosterone produced by the testicles. Because these drugs lower androgen levels just as well as orchiectomy, they are sometimes referred to as medical castration.

Treatment to reduce androgen levels produced by the adrenal glands

Although LHRH agonists and antagonists can prevent the testicles from producing androgens cells in other parts of the body, such as the adrenal glands and prostate cancer cells, can continue to produce male hormones, which could boost cancer growth in body.

Abiraterone (Zytiga)

It inhibits the activity of an enzyme (protein) called CYP17, which prevents these cells from producing androgens and can be used to treat advanced prostate cancer in men who are either:

Ketoconazole (Nizoral)

It was originally used to treat fungal infections, also inhibits the production of androgens in the adrenal glands, similar to abiraterone. It’s most commonly used to treat men who have recently been diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer.