Have you familiar with the term ‘Brain Stroke’ or ‘Brain Cancer’? Or have you or your loved one ever faced it? By knowing why strokes happen and making lifestyle adjustments to lower your risk, you can reduce the chances of your loved one having a stroke or tumor. Or you may consult with the best hospitals in Delhi for brain cancer treatment.

Brain stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability on the globe. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 15 million people worldwide get a stroke yearly. It could seem challenging to determine whether you are at risk and what to do if someone you love has a stroke due to how rapidly and unexpectedly it can occur. It’s crucial to comprehend the risk factors and symptoms of a stroke so that you can seek aid right away because the damage happens swiftly and can be fatal. So here in this blog, we will discuss about brain stroke, types of brain stroke, warning signs, symptoms and preventions.

What is brain stroke called?

A sudden bleed in a brain blood vessel or a blood vessel obstruction in the brain causes brain stroke, a frequent neurological illness today. A stroke is also known as a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or a brain attack, which can sometimes be treated or avoided. Because a stroke prevents oxygen from reaching the brain, brain cells and tissues gradually deteriorate, which may eventually result in brain death. The risk of stroke can also be increased by other medical conditions such as high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), type 2 diabetes, and a history of stroke, heart attack, or irregular heartbeats.

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What are the types of a brain stroke?

Ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA) and hemorrhagic stroke are the three types of brain stroke that arise in the human brain.

  • Ischemic stroke occurs when the arteries carrying blood to the brain get blocked, and these blood clots or drastically reduced cerebral blood flow are the leading causes of these blockages.
  • Although TIA is not typically regarded as a full-blown stroke, it happens when the blood supply to the brain is temporarily compromised. It is a crucial indicator that a potential stroke may occur.
  • A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when an artery in the brain breaks, leaking blood that increases pressure inside the skull, expanding the brain and harming its cells and structures. Some leading causes of this stroke include uncontrollable high blood pressure, excessive blood thinner use, accidents, and protein buildup in blood vessels.

Warning signs of a brain stroke

The signs of a brain stroke might appear unexpectedly and swiftly. Understanding the warning symptoms is essential to receive immediate medical care and avoiding death or disability. The warning signs of a stroke with the acronym FAST are facial drooping, arm weakness, and speech problems. Stroke can strike abruptly, with catastrophic effects. Severe headache, disorientation, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, numbness, difficulty speaking or walking, vision problems, and weakness are some more stroke signs that may appear in the human body.

What are the symptoms of a brain stroke?

Strokes block oxygen flow to the brain, which can cause substantial, permanent damage and even be fatal if not feasted quickly. Knowing the signs of a stroke is essential because the quicker someone seeks medical attention, the less severe the damage will be. There are some symptoms through which you can be aware of the stroke, that is-

  • Sudden onset numbness or weakness typically affects one side of the body and affects the face, arms, or legs.
  • An inability to communicate due to confusion.
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding.
  • Fuzzy vision.
  • Dizziness, loss of balance, and immobility.
  • Unknown cause of a severe headache.
  • Sickness or vomiting.
  • Sudden dizziness.

Brain stroke treatments-

While the causes of different strokes vary, the treatment for strokes remains the same. Strokes brought on by blood clots are typically treated by removing the blood clot using methods like Surgery, Mechanical thrombectomy, and Clot-busting drugs.

Surgery- A frequent kind of treatment for blood clots is surgical removal, which involves physically opening the artery through surgery and having the lump removed by the doctors. But surgery to remove the brain tumor carries risks like infection and bleeding in brain tumor surgery.

Mechanical thrombectomy- A catheter must be placed into a significant blood artery to administer mechanical thrombectomy. This instrument handles the automatic evacuation of clots. The odds of a successful outcome are higher if the surgery is performed within 6 to 24 hours of the stroke.

Clot-busting drugs- Blood clots can be removed with the aid of thrombolytic drugs, thereby reducing the risk of stroke. One of the most widely used medications to treat strokes is alteplase IV r-tPA.


What are brain stroke preventions?

Prevention is always preferable to treatment; therefore, you should lower your stroke risk by changing to a healthy lifestyle. You may continue your healthy lifestyle modifications by keeping your blood pressure and blood sugar levels within the normal range. You should eat a healthy diet, abstain from smoking and engage in frequent physical activity.

Brain strokes can happen to anyone, and many different things can cause them. Brain stroke occurs due to many environmental, genetic, and lifestyle variables. You can dramatically reduce your stroke risk by making lifestyle changes. Brain stroke prevention may benefit from preventive medicine and appropriate medical advice. But if you are suffering from a brain stroke or tumor, you should consult Oncoplus, the best cancer hospital in Delhi, India, for brain stroke or brain tumor treatment.


Symptoms and Causes of Anemia Caused by Iron Deficiency:

Anemia is caused when your blood does not have an adequate amount of healthy red blood cells, which provide oxygen to the body’s tissues. In this situation, it is natural that your body has weakness, is short of breath, and feels tired all the time. This is the common type of anemia that occurs due to the iron deficiency that your body requires to make hemoglobin. Iron supplements are available on the market to cure anemia. But if the patient has internal bleeding, then doctors recommend that they undergo further testing or treatment.

There are many people who do not know that they are suffering from iron-deficiency anemia. Generally, women suffer more from iron deficiency, as there is a loss of iron in the blood due to heavy menstruation or during pregnancy. Not only this, but a poor diet or intestinal diseases also lead to iron-deficiency anemia. In this blog, you will read about the symptoms and causes of anemia caused by iron deficiency.

Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia:

The symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia are general fatigue, pale skin, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, cravings to eat items that have no nutritional value, swelling in the tongue, headache, brittle nails, cold hands and feet, dizziness, and an irregular heartbeat.

The Main Causes of Iron Deficiency Anemia

The main causes of iron-deficiency anemia are as follows:

  1. Blood loss due to menstruation:

If girls have heavy menstrual bleeding, then due to the excess of blood loss, they suffer from iron-deficiency anemia. And in the case of pregnancy, women’s bodies require more iron in order to create sufficient oxygen for the baby. During pregnancy, mother and child both require blood for proper oxygen.

  1. Inadequate Iron Intake:

A deficiency of iron occurs in your body when you eat a small amount of iron over a long period of time. It is recommended to consume nutritious foods that are high in iron, like meat, eggs, and green leafy vegetables. Pregnant women and young children require more iron-rich foods in their diets because iron is essential for the growth and development of the body.

  1. Genetic Issue:

There are some diseases, such as celiac disease, that run in families and make it difficult to absorb sufficient iron. The issue occurs due to genetic disorders or mutations. This type of genetic disorder prevents your intestines from absorbing iron. Other genetic disorders can also result in anemia.

  1. Internal bleeding:

Internal bleeding can also occur from medical disorders, which can result in iron-deficiency anemia. Examples of internal bleeding are colon cancer, stomach ulcers, and polyps in the colon or intestines. All types of cancer treatment are available in Delhi. Not only this, but regular use of painkillers like aspirin can lead to stomach bleeding.

  1. inability to absorb iron

The ability to absorb iron in your body can also be affected by intestinal conditions or surgeries. Even if you consume an adequate amount of iron in your diet, diseases like celiac disease or gastric bypass surgery will reduce the amount of iron in your body.

How to Diagnose Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Iron-deficiency Anemia can be diagnosed with a complete medical history and physical examination. Doctors recommend an iron deficiency check-up when there are problems in your body like complaints of tiredness, abnormal paleness, a fast heartbeat, etc. The medical examination of iron deficiency is through a blood test that measures the amount of hemoglobin present in your body, which will measure the amount of iron present in the blood. Other tests for iron deficiency are bone marrow aspiration or biopsy, and upper or lower endoscopy.

Treatment for iron-deficiency anemia can be determined by the doctor according to your age, health, and medical history. Eat an iron-rich diet like meat, chicken, fish, broccoli, whole-wheat bread, etc. to raise the iron level in the blood. It is suggested that, before taking an iron supplement, always consult your doctor for your daily iron requirement.

Leukemias are cancers that begin in cells that normally develop into various types of blood cells. Most leukemias begin in the early stages of white blood cells, but some leukemias begin in other types of blood cells.

Acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL) is a type of leukaemia that is also known as acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. The term “acute” refers to the fact that the leukaemia can progress quickly and, if left untreated, will most likely be fatal within a few months. The term “lymphocytic” refers to the fact that it develops from early (immature) forms of lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell.

Everything begins in the bone marrow (the soft inner part of certain bones, where new blood cells are made). Most of the time, leukaemia cells infiltrate the bloodstream quickly.


Chemotherapy (chemo) is the application of drugs to the treatment of cancer. Chemotherapeutic drugs travel through the bloodstream to reach cancer cells throughout the body. Chemotherapy is therefore useful for cancers that have spread throughout the body, such as leukaemia.

Drugs used in targeted therapy work by attacking specific parts of cancer cells. They are not the same as standard chemotherapy (chemo) drugs. They occasionally work when chemo does not, and they frequently have different side effects. Some of these medications may be beneficial in certain cases of acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL).

Immunotherapy is the use of medications to assist a patient’s immune system in more effectively recognising and destroying cancer cells. Certain types of immunotherapies are now being used to treat acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL).

In the treatment of ALL, surgery plays a very limited role. Because leukaemia cells spread so widely throughout the bone marrow and blood, surgery cannot cure this type of cancer. Surgery, with the exception of a possible lymph node biopsy, is rarely used in the diagnosis of ALL, as this is typically done with a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy.

Radiation treatment is similar to getting an x-ray, except that the radiation is much stronger. The procedure is completely painless. Each treatment is only a few minutes long, but the setup time in getting you into position for treatment – is usually longer. The number of treatments you receive is determined by the reason radiation therapy is used.

A stem cell transplant (SCT) allows doctors to use higher doses of chemotherapy (sometimes with radiation) to kill cancer cells. Following the completion of these treatments, the patient receives an infusion of blood-forming stem cells to restore their bone marrow.

Treatment is usually divided into three stages: