Pregnancy is a transformative and joyous experience for many women, but it can also present unique challenges when managing a chronic condition like Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). CLL is a type of blood cancer characterized by the abnormal proliferation of white blood cells, particularly lymphocytes. While CLL is more commonly diagnosed in older adults, it can also occur in younger individuals, including women of childbearing age. Navigating pregnancy with CLL requires careful consideration, specialized medical care, and close collaboration between healthcare providers to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the developing fetus.


Understanding Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

CLL is a chronic and slowly progressing cancer that primarily affects the immune system. It is characterized by the accumulation of abnormal lymphocytes in the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic tissues. The exact cause of CLL is not fully understood, but certain genetic and environmental factors may contribute to its development. Common symptoms of CLL include enlarged lymph nodes, fatigue, recurrent infections, and abnormal bleeding.


Impact of CLL on Pregnancy

Managing CLL during pregnancy poses unique challenges due to the complex interaction between maternal health, cancer progression, and fetal development. The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy can influence the behavior of CLL cells, potentially affecting disease progression. Additionally, the treatment options for CLL must be carefully evaluated to minimize risks to the developing fetus.


Key Considerations for Pregnancy with CLL

  1. Pre-Pregnancy Counseling: Women diagnosed with CLL who are considering pregnancy should seek pre-conception counseling from a hematologist or oncologist specializing in CLL. This consultation is essential for discussing fertility preservation options, assessing disease activity, and evaluating the potential risks and benefits of pregnancy.
  2. Disease Monitoring: Regular monitoring of CLL during pregnancy is critical to assess disease progression and detect any complications. Blood tests, imaging studies, and consultations with hematologists will help guide treatment decisions and ensure optimal maternal and fetal outcomes.
  3. Treatment Decisions: The management of CLL during pregnancy requires a multidisciplinary approach involving oncologists, hematologists, obstetricians, and maternal-fetal medicine specialists. Treatment options such as chemotherapy and targeted therapies may be deferred or modified to minimize fetal exposure while maintaining maternal health.


Managing Pregnancy with CLL: Practical Tips


Finding the Best Cancer Doctor in Delhi Identifying the best medical care for managing CLL during pregnancy is essential for ensuring optimal outcomes. Here are steps to find top cancer doctors and hospitals in Delhi:

  1. Research and Recommendations: Seek referrals from trusted sources, including primary care physicians, hematologists, or patient advocacy groups specializing in blood cancers.
  2. Hospital Reputation: Look for hospitals with a strong reputation for oncology care, including expertise in blood cancer treatment in Delhi and maternity services. Consider factors such as medical expertise, facilities, patient reviews, and success rates.
  3. Consultation and Second Opinions: Schedule consultations with recommended oncologists to discuss treatment options, pregnancy management, and postpartum care. Don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion to make informed decisions about your care.



Managing pregnancy with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia requires careful planning, specialized medical care, and ongoing monitoring. By working closely with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare providers, women with CLL can navigate pregnancy safely while prioritizing their health and the well-being of their baby. It’s essential to stay informed about treatment options, communicate openly with healthcare providers, and seek support from loved ones throughout the journey. With proper management and guidance, women with CLL can have successful pregnancies and healthy outcomes.





Did you know that high-risk HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection causes more than 90% of cervical cancer cases? Cervical cancer is the second most frequent cancer in India, accounting for about 1,23,000 new cases diagnosed each year and 77,000 women dying from the disease—the most significant number of deaths from any cancer in the world. Women’s vaginal flora often contains HPV, which is usually benign and resolves on its own. Although cervical cancer is thought to be the worst type, the majority of cases are avoidable. A severe worldwide health concern that affects women of all ages and backgrounds is cervical cancer. The good news is that, if caught early, this deadly illness is very treatable and preventable. Here, we’ll discuss the value of early detection, the need for cervical cancer prevention, and the accessibility of top-notch treatment choices, such as the best oncology hospital in Delhi, for people who require them in this blog post.


Cervical Cancer:

One kind of cancer that starts in the cervix, the tiny opening at the bottom of the uterus, is called cervical cancer. The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted infection, is the leading cause of cervical cancer. Despite being widely distributed, not all HPV strains cause cancer. If treatment for high-risk HPV strains is not received, alterations in the cervical cells may lead to cervical cancer.

Read More Blog: Cervical Cancer: Preventive Measures

The Secret Is Prevention:

Cervical cancer can indeed be avoided with a combination of immunization, routine screenings, and lifestyle modifications. Now, let’s explore these crucial elements:


Function of Treatment for Cervical Cancer:

Although prevention is the main objective, there is hope and a chance for recovery for people who are diagnosed with cervical cancer, thanks to advancements in treatment choices over the years. Early detection is one of the most essential factors in the fight against cervical cancer.


Treatment for Cervical Cancer:

The course of treatment for cervical cancer can change according to the stage of diagnosis. Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy are among the available choices. The oncologist makes the treatment decision depending on the individual state of the patient. To receive individualized care, speaking with medical professionals is essential.


Delhi’s Top Oncology Hospital:

Selecting the right hospital and medical team is crucial for getting the best treatment possible for cervical cancer. One of the top locations in India for cancer treatment is the finest cancer hospital in India. With cutting-edge facilities, a group of highly qualified doctors, and a patient-centred philosophy, this hospital provides patients worldwide with excellent care.


The best hospital in Delhi, India, has all the necessary resources to offer a wide range of treatments, such as diagnosis, treatment, and aftercare. It guarantees that patients receive the newest and most efficient treatments available because it specializes in advanced cancer therapy.


In summary, immunization, routine screenings, and lifestyle modifications can certainly prevent cervical cancer. Early detection is essential for the condition to be successfully managed. The Best Oncology Hospital in Delhi is a ray of hope for people in need of treatment, providing top-notch assistance and care. Cervical cancer is still a battle, but one that may be won with knowledge, prevention, and access to quality healthcare. Assume responsibility for your health, make routine examinations a priority, and educate others on the significance of preventing cervical cancer. Or you can consult Oncoplus, the most reasonable oncology hospital in Delhi, India, to detect cancer in its early stages so that you can get the best cervical cancer treatment to recover as soon as possible. We understand the pain of patients battling cancer, so our dedicated team and compassionate staff strive every day to make the experience as comfortable as possible for our patients. We also believe that the environment can be essential in quick recovery. So, working together, we can make progress toward a time when cervical cancer is no longer life-threatening.

Do you know colorectal cancer is a silent threat that claims millions of lives worldwide? This cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancer in the world today, with its origins in the colon or rectum. Even though the thought of having cancer can be frightening, being aware of the signs, risks, and preventative measures can help to ensure early discovery and effective treatment. We will delve into the scope of colorectal cancer in this essay, examining its many aspects and emphasizing the importance of awareness and regular tests. Here, you will understand how a small amount of knowledge can have a significant impact on your life and the lives of those you love in this blog post.


What is Colorectal Cancer?

Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that develops in the rectum or colon, two essential organs of the digestive system. Usually, it starts as tiny polyps, which are benign (noncancerous) clusters of cells that have the potential to develop into cancer over time. Serious health difficulties may result from these cells’ invasion, destruction, and spread of neighboring healthy tissues to other body areas.

Read More Blog: Six Ways To Lower Your Risk For Colorectal Cancer


Risk factors:

Colon cancer is a disease that strikes people of all ages and backgrounds without distinction. Although the precise cause of colorectal cancer is still unknown, a number of risk factors have been found, such as:




Because colorectal cancer can be silent in its early stages, tests on a regular basis are essential. However, when it advances, it could cause symptoms like:

Modifications to Bowel Habits: You can suffer from constipation or persistent diarrhea.


Preventive Measures & Early Detection:

Fortunately, colorectal cancer is often preventable and treatable if detected early. The following actions discussed below will reduce your risk and improve your chances of early detection:


The Expert’s function in Cancer:

When it comes to colorectal cancer, it is important to talk or consult with an expert as the diagnosis can be confusing and scary. The medical community in Delhi is home to a large number of extremely skilled and knowledgeable cancer doctors who can offer individualized care and treatment regimens. These professionals can provide patients with the greatest care possible since they are well-versed in the most recent developments in medical research and technology.

Therefore, if you or your loved one is diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer then it is better to never hesitate in taking the help of a cancer specialist. They can provide the finest advice on many forms of treatment, such as targeted therapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. A multidisciplinary approach along with early intervention, can greatly increase the likelihood of effective treatment and recovery.


In summary, colorectal cancer is a serious health risk that can be reduced with the correct information, proactive steps, and prompt testing. Keep in mind that information is power, and being proactive and knowledgeable about your health can have a significant impact. In the battle against colorectal cancer, routine examinations, a healthy lifestyle, and access to professional medical care—like that provided by Cancer Specialists in Delhi—can be your allies. So, give your health the attention it deserves, and together, we can raise awareness and strive toward a time when colorectal cancer is not as common as it is now. You can also consult with Oncoplus, the finest cancer hospital in Delhi, India, as we provide excellent cancer care through the use of state-of-the-art technologies. At Oncoplus, we recognize the pains endured by cancer patients, which is why our committed team and compassionate employees work hard every day to ensure that our patients have a positive experience.

A kidney cancer diagnosis can significantly impact one’s life. It might be tough to deal with the dread, uncertainty, and unexpected onslaught of information. So, it would help if you remember that you are not travelling alone, though. This blog aims to raise awareness about kidney cancer or kidney cancer treatment, the relevance of early identification, and the value of receiving the appropriate treatment. We will also look into the top renal cancer hospital in Delhi that can provide you with the assistance and treatment you require.


About Kidney Cancer:

Renal cell carcinoma, another name for kidney cancer, happens when abnormal cells develop in the tissues of the kidneys. The back of your belly contains these bean-shaped organs, which are very important for filtering blood and eliminating waste from your body. In its early stages, kidney cancer frequently manifests itself silently and without any symptoms. Early detection and periodic check-ups are crucial because of this.


Symptoms of kidney cancer:

Here, we’ll discuss some kidney cancer symptoms, which may include:

It’s critical to seek medical advice from a qualified specialist for a correct diagnosis if you experience any of these symptoms.


Treatment of Kidney Cancer:

The good news is that kidney cancer can be treated, particularly if it is found early. Radiation therapy, surgery, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and other forms of treatment are available for kidney cancer. Based on the size and stage of the tumor, as well as your general health, your doctor will choose the best course of action as discussed below:

Read More Blog: How Does Immunotherapy Help In The Fight Against Cancer?

Being a Kidney Cancer Survivor:

Although receiving a kidney cancer diagnosis is clearly a life-altering event, a successful life can still be led. The following advice discussed below can help you manage kidney cancer:


Best hospital in Delhi for kidney cancer:

Some of the best medical facilities in the nation are located in Delhi, the capital of India. One of the top hospitals for treating kidney cancer is Oncoplus in Delhi.

Modern facilities, skilled medical staff, and extensive kidney cancer treatment programs are what make Oncoplus so recognized. A team of specialists, including urologists, oncologists, and radiologists, provide patients with the finest care possible thanks to the hospital’s multidisciplinary approach.


Why Opt for Oncoplus?

Oncoplus is home to a group of experts with years of expertise and high levels of training who specialize in treating kidney cancer. To provide the greatest service, we stay current on new developments in the industry. At Oncoplus, modern technology allows for precise diagnosis and efficient treatment. To perform precise and minimally invasive procedures, this also incorporates robotic surgery. At Oncoplus we basically focused on:


So, living with kidney cancer is a challenging road, but it’s essential to remember that there is hope and support available. Your chances of making a full recovery can be considerably increased with early detection and the appropriate care from the top or best kidney cancer hospital in Delhi. You can begin your route to recovery with the assistance of committed medical professionals, and you can approach life with newfound vigor and optimism.

Most young folks believe that elderly people only get colorectal cancer, which is also known as colon or rectal cancer. However, recent trends have revealed a significant rise in the proportion of young adults receiving a colon cancer diagnosis. The younger generation has to be more conscious as a result of this transformation. This blog will discuss colorectal cancer information for young adults, including risk factors, symptoms, prevention, and the value of early detection.


Knowledge of Colorectal Cancer:

The colon or the rectum, which are components of the digestive system, is where colorectal cancer develops. On the inner lining of the colon or rectum, it often starts off as tiny growths known as polyps. Regular screening and early discovery are vital because, while not all polyps are malignant, some can develop into cancer over time.


Factors at Risk for Young Adults:

Here, we’ll discuss colorectal or colon cancer risk factors for young adults.

Read More: Treatment Of Cancer With Radiation Therapy


Common Symptoms:

Early on, colorectal cancer frequently has no symptoms. However, adolescents and young adults need to be alert to the following signs discussed below:

Read More: The Omicron Variant and People Suffering From Blood Cancer



Make a balanced diet full of fibre-rich fruits, veggies, and whole grains part of your healthy lifestyle choices. Exercise frequently, avoid smoking, and consume alcohol in moderation.

The significance of early detection when found early, colorectal cancer is very treatable. However, while it is believed that the disease primarily affects older people, young persons are frequently diagnosed with the illness at a later stage. A delayed diagnosis can considerably decrease the likelihood of successful therapy and recovery.


Screening Recommendations:

According to the American Cancer Society, those with an average risk of colorectal cancer should start getting screened regularly at the age of 45. However, individuals with more significant risk factors might need to begin screening sooner.

Here, we’ll discuss typical screening techniques that include:


In conclusion, young folks are becoming more at risk for colorectal cancer as well, so it is not just a problem for elderly people. A healthy lifestyle, being aware of the risk factors, and recognising frequent symptoms are all crucial in preventing this illness. To increase survival rates, early detection with routine screening is essential. In order to assess their risk and take preventative actions, young adults must prioritise their health, keep informed, and communicate with healthcare specialists. We can lessen the burden of colorectal cancer on the younger generation by increasing awareness and taking appropriate measures. Never forget that you may always take charge of your health and well-being. For that, you can consult with the best cancer hospital in India for routine check-ups or cancer screening. Oncoplus provides the finest cancer treatment in India with the help of advanced technologies. The cost of our treatment is cheaper than other hospitals in India or other countries.

One of the most common types of cancer worldwide is colorectal cancer, sometimes known as colon cancer. Even though the precise reason isn’t always known, there are various risk factors that we can manage. The colon or rectum are common sites. Maintaining your general health requires being proactive in reducing your risk for colorectal cancer. If you or your loved ones also have colorectal cancer and want to consult with the finest doctors, then you should consult with Oncoplus. As our specialists provide the finest colorectal cancer treatment in Delhi, India. So here we’ll look at six practical strategies to lower your risk and safeguard yourself from this potentially fatal illness in this blog.


Six practical strategies to reduce your risk:

  1. Embrace a Balanced Diet:

Your diet is one of the most essential factors raising your risk of colorectal cancer. You may dramatically lower your risk by eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and avoiding processed foods, red meat, and saturated fats. These food options can support healthy weight maintenance and encourage regular bowel movements, both of which are essential for preventing colorectal cancer. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables can help shield the cells lining your colon and rectum against deterioration that might cause cancer. Whole grains, beans, and lentils are examples of fibre-rich meals that can help with digestion and reduce constipation, which shortens the time hazardous compounds are in contact with your intestinal walls.

Read More : How Your Dietary Habit Influence Cancer Disease


  1. Stay Physically Active:

Another crucial component of preventing colorectal cancer is regular physical activity. Maintaining a healthy weight and reducing inflammation in the body, which is connected to the emergence of cancer, are made possible by engaging in moderate to intense exercise for at least 150 minutes every week. Additionally, exercise encourages regular bowel movements and improves immune system performance, which enables your body to identify and get rid of potentially hazardous cells more quickly. It’s essential to incorporate an exercise you enjoy into your routine, whether it’s jogging, swimming, dancing, or even gardening.

Read More: Physical Activity And Cancer Risk


  1. Maintain a Healthy Weight:

Obesity and being overweight are known risk factors for colorectal cancer. Extra body fat, especially in the abdomen, can lead to hormonal changes and inflammation that raise the risk of developing cancer. Any weight loss, no matter how minor, can significantly reduce your risk. To reach and maintain a healthy weight, make an effort to eat a balanced diet and to exercise frequently. A certified dietician or healthcare expert can offer you individualised advice and support as you embark on your weight loss journey.

  1. Limit Alcohol and Quit Smoking:

Smoking and alcohol use are both significantly linked to a higher risk of colorectal cancer. It’s recommended to either limit or altogether avoid drinking in order to reduce your risk. If you do decide to drink, limit yourself to modest amounts up to one drink for women and two for men every day. On the other hand, smoking not only increases your chance of colorectal cancer but also contributes significantly too many other cancers and chronic illnesses. One of the most effective actions you can take to improve your general health and prevent cancer is to stop smoking. To help you permanently break the habit, look for assistance and resources.

  1. Receive regular screenings:

The key to successful treatment and survival for colorectal cancer is early identification. Regular screenings, such as colonoscopies, can find cancer or precancerous polyps when they are still treatable and curable in their early stages. It’s important to discuss your screening choices with your healthcare provider because screening recommendations change depending on your age, family history, and other risk factors. In general, people at average risk should start getting screened around 45 or sooner if they have certain risk factors. As early detection could save your life, don’t put off scheduling a screening.

  1. Understand your family’s past:

It has been observed that colon cancer tends to run in families. Your risk may be higher if the disease runs in your family. Knowing your family’s medical history and sharing it with your doctor are both very important. They are better equipped to determine your risk and suggest the proper screenings and preventive steps.


In determination, a proactive method to safeguard your health and improve your chances of living a long and cancer-free life is taking measures to reduce your risk for colorectal cancer. You may dramatically lower your risk of contracting this potentially fatal disease by adopting a balanced diet, becoming physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol use, stopping smoking, receiving routine screenings, and understanding your family history. Remember that early detection and prevention are effective weapons in the fight against colorectal cancer; as such, include these behaviours in your daily routine and urge your loved ones to do the same. The work is worthwhile for your health and well-being.

Cervical cancer is a severe health issue and is diagnosed in more than 500,000 women in a year. It also causes the death of more than 300,000 people worldwide. The uterus and vagina are connected by the cervix, which is where cervical cancer usually develops. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, is the leading cause of most cervical cancers. In most cases, the immune system prevents HPV from causing harm when it is present in the body. The virus, however, can survive for years in a small percentage of people. Some cervical cells are now more prone to develop into cancerous cells. Fortunately, routine Pap tests have shown to be a reliable method of detecting and preventing cervical cancer. However, how often should you have a Pap test? Here we’ll discuss the significance of Pap tests, the suggested timing for getting tested, and why being cautious is essential for preserving women’s health in this blog.


Understanding Pap Tests:

The purpose of a Pap test, sometimes referred to as a Pap smear, is to collect cells from the cervix and examine them for anomalies. If untreated, these anomalies could develop into cervical cancer. Early detection of alterations in the cervix’s cells is the goal of the test, which will enable prompt intervention and prevention.


Why Regular Pap Tests Matter:

Regular Pap tests are essential for avoiding cervical cancer for several reasons, including the following mention below:


Recommended Pap Test Frequency:

As medical knowledge and technology have advanced over time, the recommended Pap test frequency has changed. Medical organizations’ recommendations are based on things like age, risk factors, and the results of prior tests, as discussed below:


A robust weapon in the fight against cervical cancer is routine Pap testing in conclusion. Early abnormal cell detection offers the chance for prompt action and prevention. The best method to ensure the healthiest cervical tissue is to be aware and discuss your screening plan with a healthcare practitioner. Guidelines on the frequency of Pap tests may vary depending on age and risk factors as discussed above. Always prioritize routine checkups because prevention is the key to maintaining your well-being. Or else talk to your doctor about when you should undergo Pap and HPV screening tests so that you don’t miss out on this possibly life-saving chance. If you are also concerned about your health and want to consult with the best cancer specialists, then you should consult with Oncoplus, the finest cancer specialist in Delhi, India. At Oncoplus, we are the first-of-its-kind dedicated cancer care unit following international protocols. The scope of our services is designed to deliver a holistic treatment and diagnosis platform. We are working with social security schemes of India to create a vision of cancer free and cancer conscious India. So let’s fight cancer together and live a happy and healthy life.

Ewing sarcoma is a rare, aggressive form of bone cancer primarily affecting children and young adults. The disease is named after Dr James Ewing, who first described it in 1921. While chemotherapy and radiation therapy can be effective in treating Ewing sarcoma, many patients experience relapse or resistance to these treatments, highlighting the need for new therapeutic targets. Recent research has identified the ETV6 protein as a potential target for Ewing sarcoma treatment. In this blog, we will discuss about Ewing sarcoma, its symptoms, treatments and how ETV6 protein can be an essential target for Ewing sarcoma treatment in Delhi, India.

What is Ewing Sarcoma?

Ewing Sarcoma is most commonly found in children and young adults and is often diagnosed in people between the ages of 10 and 20. Children and teenagers are more likely to develop the rare bone and soft tissue cancer known as Ewing sarcoma, sometimes referred to as Ewing’s sarcoma and Ewing tumour. When the DNA in some cells alters, aberrant cells that attack healthy tissue are created, leading to Ewing sarcoma. More information about the relationship between cell alterations and Ewing sarcoma is being discovered. New Ewing sarcoma treatments are being tested in clinical trials because of this research, and these trials may be beneficial for young patients with Ewing sarcoma.


Symptoms of Ewing Sarcoma:

Symptoms of Ewing Sarcoma can vary depending on the location of the tumour but can include:


Ewing Sarcoma Treatments:

Treatments for Ewing Sarcoma typically involve a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. The specific treatment plan will depend on the size and location of the tumor, as well as the stage of the cancer.


Chemotherapy is often the first line of treatment and involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. The tumour is reduced in size and any leftover cancer cells are eradicated with radiation therapy. Surgery may be necessary to remove the tumor or affected bone, and can be followed by reconstructive surgery if necessary. In some cases, a stem cell transplant may be recommended after chemotherapy or radiation therapy to help restore the body’s blood cells and immune system.


Overall, early detection and prompt treatment are crucial for improving outcomes for those with Ewing Sarcoma. If you have concerns or questions about Ewing Sarcoma or any other health condition, it is important to speak with a qualified healthcare provider.


What is ETV6 Protein?

ETV6 is a transcription factor, a protein that regulates the expression of other genes. It is involved in a variety of cellular processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. ETV6 has been implicated in several types of cancer, including leukemia, lymphoma, and solid tumors such as prostate cancer and breast cancer. However, its role in Ewing sarcoma has only recently been discovered.

In a study published in the journal Cancer Cell, researchers found that ETV6 is essential for the growth and survival of Ewing sarcoma cells. The researchers used CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology to disrupt the ETV6 gene in Ewing sarcoma cell lines. They found that when ETV6 was knocked out, the cells stopped proliferating and underwent apoptosis, a process of programmed cell death. These results suggest that targeting ETV6 could be an effective strategy for treating Ewing sarcoma.

The researchers also investigated the mechanism by which ETV6 promotes Ewing sarcoma growth. They found that ETV6 regulates the expression of genes involved in several key cellular processes, including cell cycle progression, DNA damage repair, and metabolism. By controlling these processes, ETV6 enables Ewing sarcoma cells to survive and proliferate in the hostile environment of the tumor microenvironment.

The researchers further demonstrated the therapeutic potential of targeting ETV6 in Ewing sarcoma by using a small molecule inhibitor called TK216. TK216 was designed to block the interaction between ETV6 and another protein called RNA polymerase II, which is involved in the transcription of DNA into RNA. The researchers found that TK216 inhibited the growth of Ewing sarcoma cells in vitro and in vivo, without affecting normal cells. Importantly, TK216 also showed synergy with standard chemotherapy drugs used to treat Ewing sarcoma, suggesting that it could be used in combination with these drugs to enhance their efficacy.

In conclusion, the discovery of ETV6 as a potential therapeutic target for Ewing sarcoma is a significant breakthrough in the field of cancer research. The findings of this study provide a foundation for the development of new drugs that target ETV6 and could improve treatment outcomes for Ewing sarcoma patients. The use of TK216, a small molecule inhibitor of ETV6, shows promise as a potential treatment for Ewing sarcoma and warrants further investigation. As more is learned about the role of ETV6 in Ewing sarcoma, it could also serve as a valuable biomarker for diagnosis and monitoring of this devastating disease. With advancements in medical technology and the availability of highly trained oncology surgeons in Delhi patients suffering from this rare form of cancer have access to world-class treatment options.

Bone marrow is a soft, spongy tissue found in the center of the majority of bones. Multiple myeloma cancer, leukemia, and lymphoma are all cancers that can develop in the bone marrow. Stem cells in bone marrow develop into various types of blood cells, including:

Red blood cells transport oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body;

white blood cells fight infection; and platelets aid in blood clotting.

When the body requires these blood cells, such as when old blood cells die, the body usually produces them. When these cells replicate too quickly, bone marrow cancer develops.

In this blog, we will look at the various types of bone marrow cancer, as well as their symptoms and treatment options.

  1. Types

Doctors identify bone marrow cancer based on the type of cell it affects in the body:

  1. Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a cancer that develops in the plasma cells of the bone marrow. Plasma cells are important components of the immune system because they produce antibodies that the body requires to fight foreign bacteria.

  1. Leukemia

Cancers of the white blood cells are known as leukemias. These cancers can begin in other types of blood cells and then spread, or metastasize, into the bone marrow. Acute leukemias are cancers that grow quickly, whereas chronic leukemias grow slowly.

  1. Lymphoma

Cancer develops in the lymphocytes that circulate in the blood and lymph tissue after being produced in the bone marrow in people with lymphoma. Lymphoma can develop in a variety of locations throughout the body, including the bone marrow.


The type of treatment for bone marrow cancer is determined by a variety of factors, including the extent and type of cancer, as well as the patient’s age and overall health. A cancer care team will tailor treatment to the individual’s healthcare requirements.

  1. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy employs medications to either kill or prevent cancer cells from replicating. Chemotherapy treatment comes in a variety of forms. Chemotherapy is frequently administered by injection or via an intravenous (IV) drip by a cancer team. They will, however, occasionally give the individual oral medications instead.

  1. Radiation therapy

This treatment involves delivering radiation directly to cancer cells in order to prevent them from multiplying and spreading. An oncologist, a cancer specialist, may use a machine that directs a high-powered radiation beam at the affected bone marrow.

If the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, the oncologist may advise total body irradiation. A specialized machine will be used by the cancer care team to immerse an individual in radiation. This irradiation is frequently used in conjunction with chemotherapy drugs as a preparation for a bone marrow transplant.

In some cases, a stem cell transplant may be an option, but not everyone with bone marrow cancer is a candidate for this type of treatment. Before the stem cells are administered via IV, a person will receive high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to kill the existing bone marrow.