Surgery for Breast Cancer Is Not About Removing Breast Always

Surgery for Breast Cancer Is Not About Removing Breast Always

Is it always necessary to remove breasts if you have breast cancer? Every woman who is suffering from breast cancer gets scared about this, or this can be the first question asked by every patient with breast cancer. Millions of women worldwide are afflicted by the powerful enemy, i.e. breast cancer. In the past, the traditional method for the treatment of breast cancer was surgically removing the entire breast. But now, due to advances in medical research and the great understanding of illness, breast cancer procedures have dramatically changed. To effectively eradicate cancer, breast-conserving operations, which aim to retain as much breast tissue as possible, are increasingly emphasized by medical specialists nowadays. We will discuss the numerous breast cancer surgical alternatives and the significance of considering breast-conserving methods here in this blog.


Early Warnings of Breast Cancer:

Different women have different symptoms according to their body types. Some women even don’t have any kind of symptoms during their breast cancer. Many of the symptoms you can observe are given below:

  • You may see the thickening or swelling in the area of your breast.
  • Your nipple may have other discharge, including blood, other than breast milk.
  • Your breast may change its shape or size.
  • You may feel a burning sensation or dimpling in the skin of your breast.
  • You may feel pain in any area of your breast.
  • You may see swollen lymph nodes under the arm or near the collarbone.
  • You may see a retraction of the nipple or pain in the nipple area.


Breast Cancer Surgery:

The primary treatment is mainly used for breast cancer surgery for most types of breast cancer. There are two primary surgical procedures to remove breast cancer instead of removing breasts.

Read More Blog: 6 Lifestyle Changes To Improve Life After Breast Cancer Treatment

  • Breast-conserving surgery: It involves removing the malignancy along with some nearby healthy tissue. Instead of the whole breast, only the cancerous portion of the breast is removed. Several factors, including the location and size of the tumour, affect how much breast tissue is removed. A lumpectomy, quadrantectomy, partial mastectomy, or segmental mastectomy are further names for this procedure. It is considered the finest treatment in the treatment of breast cancer.
  • Mastectomy: In this procedure, the entire breast, along with all of the breast tissue and maybe other adjacent tissues, will remove. Mastectomies can be performed in a number of different ways, including:
  • Total mastectomy: In this procedure, your entire breast will remove, leaving the chest muscles underneath.
  • Double mastectomy: In this procedure, your both breasts will remove. This may be necessary if the cancer has already spread to both breasts, or it may be a preventive measure.
  • Skin-sparing or nipple-sparing mastectomy: In this procedure, only your breast tissue will remove. But avoid using your own skin and, if possible, your nipple to reconstruct your breast.
  • Modified radical mastectomy: In this procedure, your breast tissue and underarm lymph nodes will remove. Lymph nodes are often the first places breast cancer spreads.
  • Radical mastectomy: In this procedure, your breasts, underarm lymph nodes and chest muscles will remove. This rare surgery is only necessary if breast cancer has spread to your chest muscles.


Reflections on Psychological and Emotional Health after Breast Cancer Surgery:

Do you know breast cancer can have a significant effect on a woman’s mental and emotional health? Surgery in which women lose their breasts can affect women’s mental and emotional health. Therefore, it is essential to understand the psychological impact of breast cancer surgery. Many women are afraid of losing their breasts because they think it would make them less feminine and appealing. But healthcare professionals can ease these worries and aid with the emotional healing process by providing breast-conserving choices and ensuring open communication with their patients.


In conclusion, the surgical landscape for breast cancer has changed tremendously, with a greater emphasis on breast-conserving procedures. Medical practitioners now prioritize conserving the breast whenever possible, even though mastectomy is still a viable treatment option in some circumstances. Breast-conserving procedures not only result in good cancer treatment outcomes but also improve the physical and mental health of patients at the time of their recovery. As medical technology develops, it is crucial to remember that breast cancer surgery often involves finding the best technique to improve each patient’s quality of life rather than necessarily removing the breast. If you also want to fight breast cancer, you should consult Oncoplus, which provides the finest treatments or surgery for your recovery. At OncoPlus, our experts are ready to treat your breast cancer with the best of surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy to cure your cancer. Let’s fight with cancer together and live a happy and healthy life.

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